This post steams from a conversation I had with my brother-in-law last night (Love you Cameron James). I made a snotty commit to him and he said, "have you ever worked five days a week." Ha. Have I ever...yes, Cameron, I have. Nevermind the fact that chasing a sassy independent toddle around is more work then SOME people's 40 hour job. I actually DO have a job outside the home. I realize that most of you just see me talk about Zeda, Jarrod, my friends and family or the food I cook, but, I do work two days a week and it's not with
Social Graces. I work at Fellowship Bible Church, where I've worked for the past 5 years. Since having Zeda I went from full-time to part-time and even though it's fun work, it's still work. I still have the annoyances that any other job has. Some days I hate it but most days I love it. I know I don't make much, but I'm still contributing something to this family financially and that makes me feel good.
Now, moving onto my family, my parents know I work hard but they think I'm perpetually at church camp, it's kind of the family joke. When I went off to college and had to do a week of character camp before I started school, they made the joke that they didn't send me to college they sent me to church camp. Granted, CofO is a bit different then most schools, ok all schools, but since they lock your car up as a freshman, they have to host things on campus that are entertaining and might look like church camp activities. However, I DID work hard there, I did work 15 hours on campus and 15-20 hours off campus (after my freshman year) on top of taking 17-18 hours a semester. Opon graduating, I started at Fellowship planning their fun activities and my parents continued the church camp talk. Ha. I think I will forever be 12 in their eyes, which is just fine with me!
So folks, just because I have a fun job, doesn't mean I don't work hard. I do get stressed and overwhelmed from time to time. It's takes a lot these days but it does happen. Here are pictures from my last church function. It was a fish and chips college lunch. The room looked great but the food was awful! That one stressed me a bit.