Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Our Christmas weekend started Thursday at 3 and ended Monday night at 10. It has been a crazy 5 days but so much fun! However, my goal for next year is to make it a little less stressful. It's not fun when you have a cranky baby and stressed family members.

Here are some pictures of our festivities.
We started Thursday with Jarrod's mom taking us to see Tangled. It was such a cute movie and Zeda did pretty good, but was a bit loud. I thought it was cute, I'm sure everyone else did too, right? ;) Then we went to Macaroni Grill with the whole family, came home and decorated cookies, then played Mexican train until midnight! (after Zeda went to bed of course)

Christmas Eve morning is the time we open presents with Jarrod's family...can you see how excited Zeda is?

Next, we end up at my parents before Christmas Eve service. This year we went to my sister's church, Matt sang and did an amazing job. After service, we went back to mom and dad's for a fiesta dinner with the grandmas. After, taco's and tres leches cake, we opened most of the adults gifts and a few of the baby's gifts.

Christmas morning we woke Z up to open presents at home and do our family thing

and then rush back to my parents by 9 to finish the baby's gifts and "Santa" presents. After presents the grandmas come back over and we ate breakfast before the Murray's rush off to their next place.

Christmas afternoon we head to Jarrod's "extended" family Christmas at the Bade's house.
Zeda got a doll house and loves it...
Then they gave her this to eat...I took it away after a few licks. :)

The next day we went back to the Murdaugh's and got to spend time with Scott and Lindsey. This is the only picture I have from the night because my battery died after 1 shot. Oops! We got Chinese take out, drank beer and played Mexican train! I miss those two, they are just so fun.

The next morning (Monday) my friend from Cali, Brooke came over to have breakfast, coffee and some girl time. It was so good getting caught up. I wanted her to hang out with Z but that girl slept until 10am just as Brooke was walking out the door.

About 10:30 my mom pulls in the drive to pick us up as we head to KC for miss Alex's birthday party. It was a long day with no naps...but we survived and were able to get a few cute shots. At 10:15pm when I walk in my house I crashed!

Now, it's Wednesday and I'm back at work! Fun Fun!

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