Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One More Month!

Yesterday marked the one month mark until the baby's due date, June 11. Realistically, that probably means we have less than one month to finish getting everything ready. Getting her room completed, preparing the house, trying to prepare the dogs, and trying even harder to prepare ourselves. We both realize that in about a month our lives are going to drastically change.

I'm beginning to see some of that changes already. Over the last couple of months Becca has been thrown a couple of showers and the gifts, shopping trips, and hand-me-downs have poured in. My de facto dad joke at this point is that my little girl already has more clothes than I do. There are piles of diapers in every spare storage space, bottles taking over the kitchen, lotions, creams, soaps, and powders. Everything you'd think a baby would ever need and more has been moved into a single room in our house and I'm told that there's even more that we need!

One night Becca and I were sitting in the baby's room trying to get a handle of all this "stuff" that had taken over this corner of our home. We had just spent a couple hours organizing everything when I took a moment to actually take in everything around me. In my family I am the oldest of three boys so I grew up with everything masculine that there could be, so it was at that moment sitting in our baby girl's room that I realized that I had never been surrounded by as much pink as I was right then. Everything around me was pink, frilly, and covered in lace. I was immediately aware that things were changing.

Becca has been changing too. As her tummy gets bigger she gets a little more uncomfortable and a little easier to tire. I can just about feel the baby any time I want to and can easily make out her movements as I watch a wave go by on Becca's stomach. With just a month left she's very ready for it to all be finish and to get the opportunity to finally see the baby in person.

All in all, I know that this last month is going to be a hectic one. I'm sure we'll have some false alarms and I'm sure there's going to be more gifts coming in. The house will continue to be prepared and I'll continue to try to prepare myself. But when it's all said and done I know this last month is going to go by quickly and I can't wait for the day when everything happens and our life changes for ever, for the better.

1 comment:

Camille said...

Right now I am a little jealous of you two. There is NOTHING like the new feeling, anticipation, excitement, anxiety and stress of being a new mommy and daddy. THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD! You both probably ask yourselves "how will i know what to do w/ her when she gets here? How will i know how to be a mommy or daddy?" Cliche I know, but it just comes natural! I was flipping out about it 10 minutes before my c-section, wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD do I do with her when they hand her to me?!! And when they did, it JUST happened!
Oh, I could go on and on! I am so excited for you both! Keep us posted, these last 4 weeks will fly by and stand still at the same time! You will be AMAZING parents!!